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The Reading Room contains a collection of articles and abstracts on periodic paralysis and the nondystrophic myotonias, and a number of general reference articles of related interest.

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<center>Spectrum of Altered Muscle Excitability</center><p> The nondystrophic myotonias and familial periodic paralyses lie along a continuum of

Spectrum of Altered Muscle Excitability

The nondystrophic myotonias and familial periodic paralyses lie along a continuum of muscle defects ranging from myotonia only to a combination of myotonia and periodic paralysis to periodic paralysis associated with sever multi-system involvement. All are caused by defects in the coding regions of voltage-gated ion channel genes. See chart below (adopted from Cannon, 2002).

 Content Categories: Select a Category Below or Scroll to Navigate List
 Summary Articles on Channelopathies
 Articles on Calcium Channel Disorders (60 - 70% of Hypokpp mutations)
 Articles on Potassium Channel Disorders
 Articles on Chloride Channel Disorders
 Articles on Sodium Channel Disorders
 Heart-Related Articles & Resources
 Articles of Historical Significance
 Unclassified Resources
Section Last Modified:
9/12/2010 19:04 PT